What To Do In Diabetes - Health News

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Tuesday, 31 October 2017

What To Do In Diabetes

With diabetes disease, we are known to everyone at least The disease is spreading like an epidemic. However, the disease is preventable. We call pre-diabetes just before the condition of diabetes. That means blood sugar is higher than normal but still does not reach the level of diabetes. Diabetes in pre-diabetes is likely to occur in the next ten years. However, the risk of diabetes can be reduced by changing some habits and lifestyle changes. For example,

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1. Proper weight control of the body - There is a certain weight limit according to the height of each and every person's male and female. Which is very important to control. Everyone can control their weight limit by taking a balanced calorie diet.

2. Change the diet - eat as much sugar as possible, such as carbohydrate foods such as rice, bread, potato, sugar etc. Eating green vegetables and vegetables and salad will control blood sugar. Choose fish than any meat in your food list.

3. Regular walking - a study found that people who exercise more than 4 hours a week or 35 minutes a day have reduced their risk of diabetes by up to 80 percent more than usual. Exercise or walking is very healthy. Because it increases the number of insulin receptors. This insulin helps blood sugar to penetrate into the cell and in the body burns sugar or glucose with energy and nutrients.

4. Avoid Fast Food - Those who take regular fast food more than usual are more likely to get diabetes. Because fast food has unhealthy transfers and lots of sugar (carbohydrates).

5. Eating spicy foods - German researchers say, playing 1 gram cinnamon reduces blood sugar to 10 percent. This spice also helps in reducing blood fat.

6. Shake the anxiety - any kind of anxiety increases blood sugar. So try to live a stressless life. Spend time with family, stay good

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