Need Awareness To Prevent Cancer - Health News

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Saturday, 25 November 2017

Need Awareness To Prevent Cancer

Cancer-term is terrible, mysterious and unwanted to all of us; But we know what about fifty percent of cancer that we are suffering from is preventable? We can stay away from this unexpected cancer by changing some of our everyday life habits. This is what researchers have claimed. Scientists of the American Cancer Society have discovered - 42 percent of cancers and cancer can reduce the chances of death, by changing only some of the habits, such as smoking, excess body weight, changes in diet, and not taking alcohol.

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The rate of cancer and death due to smoking alone is much higher at 28.8 percent. The second important reason is extra weight or obesity and the third reason is eating habits. Besides, one of the leading causes of cancer is the sun's ultraviolet rays, the processed meat supplement in the diet list, hepatitis C virus infection. Increasing awareness of these causes can reduce cancer risk and reduce the rate of death.
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