Good Things To Be Fat - Health News

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Friday, 20 October 2017

Good Things To Be Fat

Because of being overweight, people often have to face different kinds of embarrassing situations. Sometimes there is a laugh and laughter in the friendship. A few days ago, complexity was also made to bring the world's thickest female to India for treatment. He was not convinced to take any plane.But it is known that there are many good aspects to be thick. After being convicted in the case of Stephen Donaldson tax evasion case, Florida residents of the United States are still dreaming of being fatigued.

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Last week, Stephen was sentenced to six years and four months in a tax evasion case. But his lawyer asked the judge, Stephen's weight of 5 feet 9 inches was 124 kg. Such punishment will be a human inhuman to the inhuman. Stephen's lawyer appealed to the judge but it is not known whether it was taken during the course.

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