The first thing you can do: Gargle with salt in water. Then consult the specialist doctor.
Treatment: You can get relief if you give teeth at the same time with granular fruit and camphor mixed. The chest crushed with the crushed khoya, the black pepper, together with crushed, chewed teeth. The same amount of leaf and guava leaves to boil with 1/2 liters of water and it gets better when it comes to fennel.

Grind teeth
The first thing you can do: Do not try to drag the tooth for the toothbrush. Can be bleeding. Cool the salt water. Nada teeth can last for two to 1 days and they fall from themselves.
Treatment: Babla bark and guava tree bark together, it is useful to start with the top of the teeth and mixed with betel syrup and black pepper powder. Mix the bunches of crushed khoya in the same amount.
When the tooth is broken by the blow
The first thing you can do: Do not tamper with broken teeth. While receiving immediate results in domestic treatment, consult a dentist for advice. Gesture with antiseptic or salt water.
Treatment: It is beneficial to mix tobacco powder, sugarcane together. It will also be mixed with khaki, camphor, cloves, grinders, fatty acids, and sofas mixed in or mixed with a clay, nectar, fatty acids.
Tooth worm
The first thing you can do: The tooth is not really insects. Dental decay is called 'dental caries'. In the words of the tooth decay. This disease can be severe acute pain suddenly. Eating pain will reduce the pain. Must have to show a doctor if needed. You have to gargle with salt water or antiseptic.
Treatment: It is better to use dried fruits and camphor asparagus. It is beneficial to use triadic powders and camphor mixed with cloves of oil. Bit salt, rusty crushed, and fatty ache mixed with oil together will benefit.
Bloodshed with teeth
You can do the following: Guava leaves, bubbles can be done with boiled water. Fatty powders, cloves, and camphor are mixed with cool water mixed with cool water. Atapple seeds and tartal seeds are crushed in the same amount of time when the tooth starts on the top (where bleeding is beneficial).
Wisdom teeth
Treatment: Use coarsely and bit salt in equal proportion with clove oil. It is beneficial to use the same amount of straw and mulberry ash. The mixing of the cloves of the palms will be relaxed even after mixing it with oil.
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