Where Did The Coffee Come From? History About Coffee - Health News


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Monday, 3 July 2017


Where Did The Coffee Come From? History About Coffee

Coffee is the favorite beverage of many. But the history of coffee may be unknown to them. There are various theories about the origin of coffee. There are many things about which one is right and which is inappropriate. It is said that a person's pet goat was first discovered in Ethiopia! The man noticed that his goat would eat from the gardens and behave 'provocative' at home. Then one day he went behind the goat and went to the garden to see the fruit. Later, he went to the area and told the head of the monastery about the matter. The principal took the fruit and heated the fruit and soaked it in water and made 'Beverage' and used to drink it with the disciples. They also feel a lot of physical tension and drink it. Drinking it slowly became their habit. The monks of the monastery saw that they were sleeping after taking this drink. I feel tired. Tiredness is not coming after hours of prayer. Then this fruit spread around the world. Traveled from continent and continent. The world got the first coffee.


It is said that there were coffee in Persia, Egypt, Syria and Turkey in the sixteenth century. However, there are some who say that coffee has gone from Ethiopia. From the Middle East in the Balkan region to Italy and later spread to the rest of Europe. Reaches slowly in America This is not the only story about coffee production. There are many other theories that take this drink. Source: History Extra.

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