Meiosis -1
Interphase - preparation for cell division.
Prophase - 1
- Leptotene - Chromosome begin to shorten and thicken
- Zygotene - Homologous chromosome begin to pair
- Pachytene -pairing complete
- Diplotene - Appearance of chromatids and chiasmata
- Diakinesis- Separation of centromere. Nuclear membrane nucleolus disappear.
Anaphase -1 : Paired chromosome separate and move towards pole.
Telophase-1 : Appearance of new nucleus. Chromosome reduced to haploid in each nucleus.
Meiosis -2
- Coiling and thickening of chromosome
- Formation of spindle,chromosome aster by two chromatid.
- Gradual disappear of nucleus.
Positioning of chromosome to the middle of spindle.
Anaphase -2
Chromosome separate and move to poles.
Telophase -2
Formations of nuclear envelop nucleoli.
Disappear of spindle.
Chromosomes come back into non divisional state and form two cells.
At last four (two + two) daughter cells are produced.
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